Thursday, March 15, 2018

Day and Night

This program was for children age 0-2.


Moonlight by Helen V. Griffith
Hello, Day! by Anita Lobel

Songs and Rhymes

Mr. Sun
Courtesy of Jbrary

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Courtesy of Jbrary

We wiggled our fingers throughout the song to mimic stars. On the verse "up above...", we lifted our arms. I instructed caregivers with babies to lift them in the air.

When Cows Get Up in the Morning
Courtesy of Jbrary

I use puppets to accompany the song. We sang about cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and ducks.


This program was for children ages 2-5.


Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates and Juniper Bates
Little Cloud by Eric Carle
Splish, Splash, Ducky by Lucy Cousins

Songs and Rhymes

Come Under My Umbrella
Courtesy of King County Library System. 

Rain is Falling Down
Courtesy of Storytime Katie 

The Rain Falling Down
(Tune: "The Wheels on the Bus")

The rain falling down goes plink, plink, plink.
(wiggle fingers downward)
Plink,  plink, plink.
Plink, plink, plink.
The rain falling down goes plink, plink, plink.
All day long.

Other verses:
The thunder in the sky goes boom, boom, boom. (clap hands on each "boom")
The wind blowing by goes swish, swish, swish. (sway hands)
The sun in the sky shines so bright. (make a circle with your arms over your head)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fruits and Veggies!

This program was for ages 0-2.


Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
The Very Hunger Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Little Green Peas by Keith Baker

Songs and Rhymes

Apple Tree
Courtesy of Teach Preschool

In our version we only sing "one red apple". 

Pea Soup
Courtesy of Storytime with Ms. Kelly

At the end we sing "Now stir the soup until it's nice and hot".

I use the following magnet board pieces with the rhyme.

To the tune "Frère Jacques". Courtesy of Preschool Education.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Cats and Dogs

This program was for children ages 0-2.


Dogs by Emily Gravett
Where is Tippy Toes? by Betsy Lewin

Songs and Rhymes

If You're a Dog and You Know It
Courtesy of Sunflower Storytime

In our version, we only acted out the following movements:

If you're a dog and you know it, say "Woof, woof." (woof, woof)
If you're a dog and you know it, wag your tail. (wiggle hips or sway child)
If you're a dog and you know it, tap your paws. (tap knees or wiggle baby's legs)

 Five Little Cats
Courtesy of Narrating Tales of Preschool Storytime

I used the following flannel board to accompany the rhyme.

Images courtesy of Sweet Clipart

Doggies Got a Flea
Courtesy of Jbrary 

I'm a Little Kitty Cat
Courtesy of Jbrary


This program was for children ages 0-2.


Ooh La La Polka-Dot Boots by Ellen Olson-Brown
Under My Hood I Have a Hat by Karla Kuskin

Songs and Rhymes

Boots, Parka, Scarf, and Hat
(Courtesy of Mel's Desk)

We pointed to our legs, shoulders, neck, and head to indicate each article of clothing.

Hats on Everyone
Courtesy of Storytime Katie

I used the following magnet board to accompany the rhyme.

Washing Machine
Courtesy of Yogibrarian.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Valentine's Day!

This program was for children ages 0-2. 


Sweet Hearts by Jan Carr
Be Mine, Be Mine, Sweet Valentine by Sarah Weeks


The Funky, Spunky Monkey
Courtesy of Jbrary

For the second verse, we sing "Along came his papa...".

If You Love Someone and You Know It
Courtesy of Librarian Lisa's Storytime

Courtesy of Jbrary

This is a classic song by Sharon, Lois, and Bram! We sing the song once together to learn the movements. Afterwards, I play the song on the CD Six Little Ducks by Kimbo.

Hug From You
Courtesy of West Bank Library 

Five Little Hearts
Courtesy of Jbrary

I used the following flannel board to accompany the rhyme.

Saturday, January 27, 2018


This program was for a family storytime. The children were ages 0-5.


Wow! Said the Owl by Time Hopgood
No Two Alike by Keith Baker
Rain Fish by Lois Ehlert

Songs and Rhymes

What's the Weather?
(Courtesy of Jbrary)

I used a flannel board to accompany the song. I asked the children to guess the weather for the day.

Mr. Sun
(A classic Raffi song! View Jbrary for movements.)

Raindrops Falling
(View previous post Rain & Rainbows)

Shaker Eggs!

Where is Shaker?
Courtesy of Library Meow.

Can You Shake Along With Me?
Courtesy of Jbrary

Egg Shakers Up! 
Courtesy of Jbrary.